I've learn how to think positively

I've learn how to think positively


Some people see the worst in every situation. The glass is always half-empty, “I can never catch a break”, I'm a loser. Negative thought after negative thought.

“Whether you think you can or think you can't, your right” - Henry Ford


This type of thinking is a roadblock on your road  to success. To keep it 100; you’ll never be successful thinking this way. Negative thoughts will definitely turn into limiting beliefs. Your reality starts in your mind. What you attract in life is highly dependent on what you think and talk about. 

When negative thoughts dominate your thinking they become your beliefs. You begin to blame yourself for everything that goes wrong in your life; which leads you to self sabotage everything that you try to accomplish. This cycle of negativity only further affirms those beliefs. It becomes more difficult to change how you think, but it's possible. 


Have you ever heard of affirmations?


Affirmations are thoughts and words that impact how you view the world around you. You can train your sub conscience to react positively in every situation. Your subconscious believes whatever you tell it. Therefore, to start thinking a new way you must

  • Take some time to pinpoint a specific area in your life you want to improve. 
  • Start with the words “I am”
  • Use the present tense.
  • Say what you want.
  • Keep it brief.
  • Make it specific.
  • Include an action word.
  • Include at least one Dynamic feeling or emotion.
  • Make it about you not someone else.
  • Say your affirmations daily. 

Positive affirmations have been proven to help people shift their mindset; which then, leads to manifesting their goals and dreams. You attract what you think and say. So when you feel your mind with positive thoughts you begin to speak positive things, you begin to act more positive, your character becomes more positive. Now you’re ready to attract the success, abundance, and love you always desired.

Here's to changing your thinking so you can change your life.



P.S. Here are 3 things to avoid in your daily affirmation practiced.


  1. Giving up too early.
  2. Using a different affirmation each day
  3. Lack of belief. 
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